Biblio (sel.)
Fareed Armaly
Many of these selected references include a link to the original text or a key excerpt, as well as an English translation if necessary.
Draxler, Helmut. “Fareed Armaly.”
Critique d’art 62 (June, 2024): 104–109.
Draxler, Helmut. “Fareed Armaly.”
Armaly, Fareed. The (re)Orient
Berlin: Fareed Armaly, 2023. -
Nash, Mark. “The Illogics of Kassel (with Apologies to Enrique Vila-Matas).”
estetica. studi e ricerche 2 (2023): 317–324. -
Hovhannisyan, Marianna. “The Aghed and its Displacement Paths as Collecting Practices: From Marzovan to Fresno.”
Stedelijk Studies Journal 12, January 10, 2023. Online Publication.
Armaly, Fareed. The (re)Orient
Armaly, Fareed. “The (re)Orient.”
Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien. April 07, 2022. Talk and Presentation. -
Andreou, Georgia M., et al. “Establishing a baseline for the study of maritime cultural heritage in the Gaza Strip.”
Palestine Exploration Quarterly 156 (1): 4–42. -
Stuckey, Lisa. Forensische Verfahren in den zeitgenössischen Künsten: Forensic Architecture und andere Fallanalysen
(Berlin: De Gruyter, 2022). -
Buchmann, Sabeth. “Infrastructure as diagrammatic disposition: Fareed Armaly’s From/To (1999/2002).”
In Between the material and the possible: infrastructural re-examination and speculation in art. Edited by Bassam El Baroni. (Edith-Russ-Haus, London, and Oldenburg: Sternberg Press, 2022), 5–18. -
Sever, Hande. “Empty Fields Revisited.”
In Perspectives on In/stability, ed. Delinda Collier and Robyn Farrell (Art Institute of Chicago, 2022).
Armaly, Fareed. “The (re)Orient.”
Rockenschaub, Jakob. “Gegen Massstäbe messen: Jakob Rockenschaub Über Fareed Armalys ‘The (re)Orient’ In Der Sammlungsausstellung ‘Enjoy—Die Mumok Sammlung Im Wandel,’ Wien.”
Texte zur Kunst, no. 124 (December 2021): 176–179. -
Ćirić, Maja. “Enjoy. The Limits of Out World.”
springerin 4 (2021).
Rockenschaub, Jakob. “Gegen Massstäbe messen: Jakob Rockenschaub Über Fareed Armalys ‘The (re)Orient’ In Der Sammlungsausstellung ‘Enjoy—Die Mumok Sammlung Im Wandel,’ Wien.”
Wilson-Goldie, Kaelen. “Let the Record Show: Kaelen Wilson-Goldie on Rayyane Tabet.”
Artforum International 58, issue 6 (2020).
Wilson-Goldie, Kaelen. “Let the Record Show: Kaelen Wilson-Goldie on Rayyane Tabet.”
Armaly, Fareed, Ruhm, Constanze. “On the haus.0 program (1999–2002) im Künstlerhaus Stuttgart: Gespräch zwischen Fareed Armaly und Constanze Ruhm.”
In Künstlerhaus Stuttgart: 40 Jahre 1978–2018. Edited by Hannelore Paflik-Huber (Stuttgart: av edition 2019), 372–391. -
Heißenbüttel, Dietrich. “Inside Out: Fareed Armalys Programm für das Künstlerhaus. Ein Kommentar.”
In Künstlerhaus Stuttgart: 40 Jahre 1978–2018. Edited by Hannelore Paflik-Huber (Stuttgart: av edition, 2019), 392–394. -
do Brito, Philipp Fernandes. “Wilhelm Schürmann in Conversation with Philipp Fernandes do Brito.”
Sediment 30 (2019). | EN translation
Armaly, Fareed, Ruhm, Constanze. “On the haus.0 program (1999–2002) im Künstlerhaus Stuttgart: Gespräch zwischen Fareed Armaly und Constanze Ruhm.”
Armaly, Fareed. “Making an Entrance.”
In Place.Labour.Capital. Edited by Ute Meta Bauer and Anca Rujoiu (Singapore: National University of Singapore Press, 2018). -
Alessandrini, Michela, Gabriel, Lore, Nabeyrat, Estelle. “École du Magasin (1987–2016): How Fitting an End.”
Art & Education (February, 2018).
Armaly, Fareed. “Making an Entrance.”
Rasmussen, Mikkel Bolt. “A Note on Socially Engaged Art Criticism.”
Field 6 (February 2017).
Rasmussen, Mikkel Bolt. “A Note on Socially Engaged Art Criticism.”
Armaly, Fareed, Ault, Julie. “Past Present: A Conversation Between Fareed Armaly and Julie Ault.”
In to expose, to show, to demonstrate, to inform, to offer. Artistic Practices Around 1990. Edited by Matthias Michalka. Köln: Walther König, 2016, 195–203. -
Michalka, Matthias, ed. to expose, to show, to demonstrate, to inform, to offer. Artistic Practices around 1990.
Köln: Walther König, 2016.
Armaly, Fareed, Ault, Julie. “Past Present: A Conversation Between Fareed Armaly and Julie Ault.”
“1985–1995 Exhibition Views.”
mousse magazine no. 51 (December 2015–January 2016). -
Armaly, Fareed. Contact
Limited artist edition version of 1992 exhibition publication. mumok, Vienna, 2015.
“1985–1995 Exhibition Views.”
Volvey, Anne. “Entre l’art et la géographie, une question (d’)esthétique.”
Belgeo: Art(s) & Espace(s)/Art(s) & Space(s) 3, (2014): 2–22. -
Draxler, Helmut. “The Turn from the Turns: An Avant-Garde Moving Out of the Centre (1986–1993).”
In Exhibition as Social Intervention: ‘Culture in Action’ 1993–Exhibition Histories 5. London: Afterall Books, October 31, 2014, 44–64. -
Aupetitallot, Yves. “Project Unité à Firminy–Entretien avec Yves Aupetitallot.”
MAY Editions 4, no. 12 (2014): 84–111. | EN translation -
Hoffmann, Jens. Show Time: The 50 Most Influential Exhibitions of Contemporary Art.
UK: Thames & Hudson Limited, 2014.
Volvey, Anne. “Entre l’art et la géographie, une question (d’)esthétique.”
Armaly, Fareed. “New Muse: The Museum Exhibition Design as Hubris.”
In D.A.: A Transdisciplinary Handbook of Design Anthropology. Edited by Yana Milev, 303–318. Peter Lang International Academic Publishers, Frankfurt Am Main, 2013. -
Braathen, Martin. “The Commercial Significance of the Exhibition Space.”
In The Market: Documents of Contemporary Art. Edited by Natasha Degen, 113–118. (London: Whitechapel Gallery and Cambridge: The MIT, 2013). Originally published in 2007. -
“The Dupes (Tewfik Saleh, 1972).”
The Criterion Collection, Imagined Criterion Collection Releases, 2013. -
Altshuler, Bruce. Biennials and Beyond: Exhibitions that Made Art History: 1962–2002.
UK: Phaidon Press, April 2013. -
Heissenbuettel, Dietrich. “Künstlerhäuser und Stipendienprogramme.”
Kunst in Stuttgart (Stuttgart: Hampp Verlag, 2013), 188–189. -
Buchmann, Sabeth. “The (Re)Animation of Medium Specificity in Contemporary Art.”
In Contemporary Art 1989 to the Present. Edited by Alexander Dumbadze and Suzanne Hudson (Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell), 107–117.
Armaly, Fareed. “New Muse: The Museum Exhibition Design as Hubris.”
Armaly, Fareed, Bauer, Ute Meta. “Mel Chin // In Conversation with Fareed Armaly and Ute Meta Bauer // 1997.”
In NATURE; Documents of Contemporary Art.
London: Whitechapel Gallery, London and MIT Press, 2012. -
O’Neill, Paul. The culture of curating and the curating of culture(s).
Cambridge: The MIT Press, 2012. -
Eshun, Kodwo. Dan Graham: Rock My Religion
(London: Afterall Books, 2012).
Armaly, Fareed, Bauer, Ute Meta. “Mel Chin // In Conversation with Fareed Armaly and Ute Meta Bauer // 1997.”
Holert, Tom. “Artistic Research: Anatomy of an Ascent.”
In Texte zur Kunst, no. 82 (June 2011): 38–63. -
Rottmann, André. “Reflexive Systems of Reference/Approximations to ‘referentialism’ in contemporary art.”
Rehabilitation, in MER. Paper Kunsthalle, 2011.
Holert, Tom. “Artistic Research: Anatomy of an Ascent.”
Peeters, Tom. “Van rotzooi naar kunst.”
De Tijd, (April 21, 2010): 28. | EN translation -
Armaly, Fareed. “Tewfik Saleh: Curated Cinema Series.”
(Talks, cinema series presentation, MACBA, Barcelona, Spain, February 17, 2010–March 17, 2010). -
Marimon, Silvia. “L’altre cinema–Ni propaganda ni herois.”
Time Out Barcelona (On Program of MACBA–Museum of Contemporary Art Barcelona, Spain, February 2010).
Peeters, Tom. “Van rotzooi naar kunst.”
Draxler, Helmut. “Das Eigentum an den Eigenschaften.”
In Sammlung Kienzle Texte/Werke (Berlin: Kienzle Art Foundation, 2009), 34–37. | EN translation -
Armaly, Fareed, Esche, Charles, Hlavajova, Maria, Rhomberg, Kathrin. “Interview with Fareed Armaly.”
FORMER WEST project. November 20, 2009. Audio.
Draxler, Helmut. “Das Eigentum an den Eigenschaften.”
Armaly, Fareed. “Crossroads and Contexts: Interviews on Archeology in Gaza.”
Journal of Palestine Studies 37, no. 2 (Winter 2007/8): 43–81. -
Rottmann, André. “Reflexive Systems of Reference/Approximations to ‘referentialism’ in contemporary art.”
Texte zur Kunst, no. 71 (September 2008): 155–165. -
Niekerk, Van, Anette, Leone. “Curating Globality/Producing Locality.”
“Chapter 4” in Documenta 11 as examplar for transcultural curating: A critical analysis (PhD diss., University of Pretoria, South Africa), 111–117. -
Schöllhammer, Georg. “Die Position von gestern in Frage stellen.”
Springerin, Hefte für Gegenwartskunst 8, no. 1 (February 15, 2008). | EN translation -
Green, Kate. “International Artist-in-Residence, New Works: 04.2–Fareed Armaly.”
In 2004 Artpace Residencies and Exhibitions: Fareed Armaly, Erik Benson, Janice Caswell. Edited by Mathew Drutt (Texas: Artpace San Antonio, 2008).
Armaly, Fareed. “Crossroads and Contexts: Interviews on Archeology in Gaza.”
Volvey, Anne. “Land Arts. Les fabriques spatiales de l’art contemporain.”
Travaux de l’Institut de Géographie de Reims 129–130 (2007): 3–25. -
Naef, Silvia. “Meeting point.”
Canvas Magazine, UAE, November/December 2007. -
Dauphin, Claudine. “L’Ame de Gaza à Genève: le défi de l'archéologie à l’occupation et à la guerre dans la ville de la Paix.”
Dialogue 19 (2007): 17–26. -
Armaly, Fareed. ““Shar(e)d Domains” Domaines fragmentés en partage.”
In Gaza à la croisée des civilisations. Edited by Marc-André Haldimann and et al. Neuchâtel: Chaman Edition, 2007. Exhibition publication/museum catalogue. -
Draxler, Helmut. Coercing Constellations: Space, Reference and Representation in Fareed Armaly.
Berlin: b_books, Reihe PoLYpeN, 2007. -
Heissenbüttel, Dietrich. “Wo die Karawanenrouten enden.”
Stuttgarter, August 24, 2007. | EN translation -
Wilson-Goldie, Kaelen. “Obsidian chunks, a vitrious mass, a broken sundial and an object lesson.”
The Daily Star, August 1, 2007. -
Heissenbüttel, Dietrich. “Bruchstücke, neu zusammengefügt.”
Neue Züricher Zeitung (NZZ), July 3, 2007. | EN translation
Volvey, Anne. “Land Arts. Les fabriques spatiales de l’art contemporain.”
Farzanefar, Amin. “Wann wurde ich ein deutscher Künstler?: Die Spur der Steine.”, November 11, 2005. -
Rollig, Stella. “Contemporary Art Practices and the Museum: To Be Reconciled at All?.”
Last modified October 08, 2005. -
Johnson, Julie M.. “The Embodied Gaze: Contemporary Art and the Museum Culture of Vienna.”
In Blueprints for No-Man’s Land: Connections in Contemporary Austrian Culture, edited by Janet Stewart and Simon Ward, 29–56. Bern: European Academic Publishers, 2005.
Farzanefar, Amin. “Wann wurde ich ein deutscher Künstler?: Die Spur der Steine.”
Goddard, Dan. “Exhibit explores split between U.S., France.”
San Antonio Express-News, August 08, 2004. -
Kincinaitis, Virginijus. “Klasika.”
LNRT RADIO (Interview/Discussion
Fareed Armaly, Nomeda and Gediminas Urbonas), April 16, 2004. -
Armaly, Fareed. “Feursee Footnotes.”
In Stadluft, Wendelien van Oldenborgh. Frankfurt: art3 Valence and Revolver Verlag, 2004. -
Grabes, Herbert. “Neue Radikalität in der frühen Postmoderne.”
In Einführung in die Literatur und Kunst der Moderne und Postmoderne: die Ästhetik des Fremden (Tübingen: A. Francke Verlag Tübingen und Basel, 2004): 88.
Goddard, Dan. “Exhibit explores split between U.S., France.”
Armaly, Fareed. “From/To.”
In Remapping the Region: Kultur und Politik in Israel/Palästina. Culture and Politics in Israel/Palestine. Folio Verlagsges. Mbh. 2003. -
Armaly, Fareed. haus.0 Website for haus.0 program. -
Holert, Tom. “Blood of the poets: The tribal ’80s.”
Artforum International Magazine 41, no. 7 (March 2003). -
Fernández, Maria. “A Critical Perspective.”
Nka Journal of Contemporary African Art 18 (Spring/Summer 2003): 48–55. -
Hushegyi, Gábor. “A művészet helyszínei: Kassel és Frankfurt, valamint a hiányzó 6. Platform.”
Kalligram 2 (2003): 75–85.
Armaly, Fareed. “From/To.”
Heissenbüttel, Dietrich. “Netzwerke der Erkenntnis.”
TAZ Report 3, no. 6920 (December 2002). | EN translation -
Heißenbüttel, Dietrich. “Netzwerke in Ziegelmauern.”
Stuttgarter Zeitung, November 15, 2012. -
McNeill, David. “Documenta 11 Takes On Masters of the Universe.”
Artlink 22, no. 4 (2002): 28–31. -
Armaly, Fareed. From/To Artist Project Website. -
Weibel, Peter. “Mein Documenta Favorit. . .Über Fareed Armalys documenta 11 Arbeit.”
Stuttgarter Zeitung, no. 194 (August 22, 2002). | EN translation -
Graw, Isabelle. “Das Diagramm–Fareed Armaly und Rashid Mashawari.”
Frankfurter Rundschau, August 7, 2002. | EN translation -
Wulffen, Thomas. “From/To, Documenta Issue.”
Kunstforum International 161 (August–October 2002). | EN translation -
Rundfunk, Hessischer. “Geschichte/Geschichten III: Fareed Armaly und Rashid Masharawi.”
documenta Tagebuch Beitrag, hr-online, July 4, 2002. -
Lapp, Axel. Documenta 11/2
Art Monthly 258 (Jul-Aug, 2002): 7–10. -
Kaufmann, Susanne. “On Künstlerhaus Stuttgart/Documenta11 project.”
SWR-TV Culture Journal (June 2002). -
Seyfarth, Ludwig. “Palästinas Identitätskonflikt wird sichtbar: Fareed Armaly.”
FAZ, May 17, 2002. -
Armaly, Fareed. “An interview with the Palestinian filmmaker Rashid Masharawi.”
springerin 8, no. 2 (April 2002). -
Bovier, Lionel. “Interview with Fareed Armaly.”
In Jack Goldstein. (Grenoble: Le Magasin, 2002). -
Smith, Terry. “Exhibiting the Postcolonial Constellation.”
documenta 6 platforms. 2002. Online publication. -
Holmes, Brian. “Interaction in Contemporary Art.”
In Hieroglyphs of the Future. Zagreb: Arkzin Communications, 2002–03. -
Nash, Mark. “Art and Cinema: Some critical reflections.”
In Documenta 11_Platform 5: Exhibition Catalogue, (Cantz 2002): 129–136. -
Armaly, Fareed. “From/To.”
In Documenta 11_Platform 5: Exhibition Catalogue, (Cantz 2002): 166–167. -
Höller, Christian. “Production of Disappearance: The Jack Goldstein Retrospective in Magasin, Grenoble.”
springerin 01 (2002).
Heissenbüttel, Dietrich. “Netzwerke der Erkenntnis.”
Hoffmann, Gabriele. “In der Schusslinie.”
Taz 4, no. 6617 (Arpil 12, 2001): 16. -
“Ute Meta Bauer and Mark Nash in conversation.”
In The Producers: Contemporary Curators in Conversation. Edited by Susan Hiller and Sarah Martin. BALTIC and University of Newcastle, 2002, 57–58. -
Draxler, Helmut. “Der Allegorische Impuls des Kuratierens.”
springerin, Hefte für Gegenwartskunst, Band V11, Heft 3. | EN translation -
Van Oldenbergh, Wendelien. “Letter from Stuttgart: A Conversation with Fareed Armaly.”
NICC (Spring 2001). -
Sommerman, Eileen. “Three Dimensions.”
Canadian Arts, 2001. -
Urbonas, Nomeda and Gediminas. “A Chat conversation with Fareed Armaly.”
Transaction, 2001. -
Putnam, James. Art and Artifact - The Museum as Medium
UK: Thames & Hudson, 2001.
Hoffmann, Gabriele. “In der Schusslinie.”
Armaly, Fareed, Bauer, Ute Meta. “Mel Chin Conversando con Ute Meta Bauer y Fareed Armaly.”
In Trans>, no. 8 (2000): 174–182. -
Dorn, Anja. “haus.0 [. . .].”
Metropolis, February 2000.
Armaly, Fareed, Bauer, Ute Meta. “Mel Chin Conversando con Ute Meta Bauer y Fareed Armaly.”
Armaly, Fareed. “From/To.”
Project. Rotterdam: Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art, 1999. Exhibition brochure. -
Puvogel, Renate. “From/To, Fareed Armaly, Witte de With, Rotterdam; 28.1— 21.3.1999.”
KUNSTFORUM International, vol. 145 (Mai—Juni 1999): 402–403. | EN translation -
Blomberg, Katja. “Wege auf einem Kieselstein.”
Feuilleton Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, March 09, 1999, 54. | EN translation -
Holmes, Brian. “Steine im Garten der Aesthetik. Ueber Fareed Armaly‘s Austellung From/To.”
springerin vol. V ( February 1999). -
Holmes, Brian. “De l’interaction en art contemporain.”
Parachute, 1999. -
Liebs, Holger. “From/To.”
Frieze (May 1999).
Armaly, Fareed. “From/To.”
Loges, Alexandra, Harms, Soren. “Kulturthema der Woche: Keine Nostalgie.”
Hamburger Rundschau, no. 31 (July 30, 1998). | EN translation -
Wittneven, Katrin. “Wechselkurse.”
Neue Bildende Kunst (April 1998): 5.
Loges, Alexandra, Harms, Soren. “Kulturthema der Woche: Keine Nostalgie.”
Jahn, Wolf. “Bridge/The Map Is Not the Territory.”
Artforum International Magazine (December 1997). -
Sonna, Birgit. “Im Spiegelkabinett der Geschichte.”
Sueddeutsche Zeitung, November 14, 1997. | EN translation -
Blase, Christoph. “Der Synthesizer gewinnt immer.”
Feuilleton Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (October 31, 1997): 39. -
Saxenhuber, Hedwig. “Relatives Scheitern?.”
springer III, no. 3 (1997). -
Armaly, Fareed. “Parts.”
Munich: Kunstverein Munich, 1997. Artist publication. -
Armaly, Fareed, Bauer, Ute Meta. “Information education entertainment:
? section in NowHere, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Denmark.”
Art and Design Profile no. 52 (1997): 82–86.
Jahn, Wolf. “Bridge/The Map Is Not the Territory.”
McFadden, Sarah. “Report from Cologne: Changing of the Guard.”
Art in America 83, no. 2 (February 1995): 50–57. -
Holert, Tom. “Am Ende des Dualismus: Architektur als Medium?.”
Texte zur Kunst (1995). | EN translation -
Blase, Christoph. “Wehe, wenn die Werke nicht mehr senden.”
Feuilleton Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
(January 24, 1995): 27. -
Zahm, Olivier. “The Present Everyday.”
Acme Journal no. 2, 1995. -
Vogel, Sabine B.. “Cross-Over. Ein Interview mit Fareed Armaly.”
Artis, 1995, 50–55. | EN translation
McFadden, Sarah. “Report from Cologne: Changing of the Guard.”
Perrin, Frank. “New Deals–Contexts and Decodings.”
Flash Art 27, no. 175 (March/April 1994).
Perrin, Frank. “New Deals–Contexts and Decodings.”
Quick, Brenden. “Fareed Armaly.”
Frieze 58 (November–December 1993). -
Vogel, Sabine. “Korridor der Stimmen.”
Artis (November 1993): 16–20. -
BüroBert. “Contact—Korrespondenz/Gespräch mit BüroBert.”
In Copyshop, Kunstpraxis und politische Öffentlichkeit, ein Sampler von BüroBert (October 1993). -
Van Synghel, Koen. “Fareed Armaly, Palais voor schone kunsten.”
De Kunstberg, BRTN radio, August 23, 1993. -
Lambrecht, Luk. “Brea-kd-own.”
Blocnotes, no. 4 (Summer 1993): 84. -
“KulturTrends der Neunziger.”
FOCUS, no. 27 (1993).
Quick, Brenden. “Fareed Armaly.”
Zahm, Oliver. “Fareed Armaly: Galerie Christian Nagel.”
Artforum 31, no. 1 (September 1992). -
Draxler, Helmut. “Fareed Armaly: The Nature and Method of Cultural Production.”
Flash Art 25, no. 165 (Summer 1992). -
Blase, Christoph. “Zwischen weißen Vögeln.”
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, no. 54 (March 4, 1992): 36. -
Leen, Frederik. “The critique of the system of sign–exchange rates.”
Forum International, no. 12 (March 1992): 62–69. -
Armaly, Fareed. Contact.
Köln: Galerie Christian Nagel (February 11–March 14, 1992), 1991. Artist exhibition publication. -
Graw, Isabelle. “Short Story.”
Forum International 3, no. 11 (January–February 1992).
Zahm, Oliver. “Fareed Armaly: Galerie Christian Nagel.”
Blase, Christoph. “Vom Betrachter zum Benutzer: Fareed Armaly.”
Kunst-Bulletin, no. 11 (July/August 1992): 14–19. -
Gremer, Stefan. “Im Sichtfeld des Feindes.”
Texte zur Kunst, no. 3 (Sommer 1991). -
Fiedler, Elisabeth. “Verständnis für Verbindung aus Avantgarde und Wirtschaftlichkeit.”
NZ, May 8, 1991. | EN translation -
Draxler, Helmut. “Fareed Armaly, Maison de la Culture.”
Artforum (January 1991).
Blase, Christoph. “Vom Betrachter zum Benutzer: Fareed Armaly.”
Troncy, Eric. “Fareed Armaly, Maison de la Culture.”
Artscribe (November–December 1990). -
Blase, Christoph. “Orphée 1990.”
Das kunstbulletin, no. 9 (September 1990): 33. -
Jaber, Hana. “(re)Orient.”
Al-Hayat (August 30, 1990): 12. -
Lambrecht, Luk. “Orphée 1990.”
Knack (July 7, 1990): 18. -
“The Köln Show.”
Artscribe (Summer 1990): 13. -
Bourriaud, Nicolas. “Un art de réalisateurs.”
Art press 147 (May 1990). -
Draxler, Helmut. “Perspectivismus.”
Noema, February 1990. -
Armaly, Fareed. “On Musical Biographies: JAMC.”
Spex (January 1990): 64. -
Armaly, Fareed. Orpheé 1990.
Saint-Etienne: Maison de la culture et de la communication. Artist publication. -
Armaly, Fareed. “Supply Song.”
In Nachschub. Cologne: Spex. Exhibition catalogue.
Troncy, Eric. “Fareed Armaly, Maison de la Culture.”
Armaly, Fareed. (re)Orient.
Paris: Galerie Lorenz, 1989. Exhibition brochure. -
Zahm, Olivier. “(re)Orient, Fareed Armaly, Galerie Lorenz.”
Flash Art (December 1989). -
Kepler, Thomas. “Bilder vom Orient.”
Taz, October 19, 1989. -
Fellner, Raija. “International Landscape.”
Artefactum (May 1989): 48. -
Blase, Christoph. “International Landscape.”
Artis 41 (1989): 36–39. -
Jaber, Hana. “The Orient sees itself through a vision that is closer.”
Al-Hayat, 1989. -
Armaly, Fareed. “Displaced Passage.”
In International Landscape. Munich: Galerie Dürr. -
Armaly, Fareed. R.O.O.M.
Cologne, 1989. Artist Publication.
Armaly, Fareed. (re)Orient.
Czöppan, Gabi. “Wechselkurse–Fareed Armaly bei Buck & Nagel.”
Münchner Stadtzeitung, January 1988. | EN translation -
Hoffman, Justin. “Von Erinnerungen, Popmusik und Denkarbeit.”
Wolkenkratzer Art Journal, no. 3 (May–June, 1988): 85.
Czöppan, Gabi. “Wechselkurse–Fareed Armaly bei Buck & Nagel.”
Armaly. Fareed. Terminal Zone.
New York, 1987. Artist Publication.
Armaly. Fareed. Terminal Zone.